do you know? The temperature of exhaled air is about 34℃ and the humidity is about 90%.

A small dome that protects life from the cold: energy free!









You can maintain a gentle environment for your face and throat by circulating your own breath inside to maintain humidity and temperature.


Due to the filter function of the non-woven fabric itself, it is difficult for pollen and dust to enter the dome, and a comfortable sleeping environment can be maintained.

Q 素材について教えてください

マイドームに使用する不織布は、安価な乾式製法ではなく、レーヨンやポリエステルなどの合成繊維と、天然の木材パルプから作ったセルロース繊維を、日本の美しい水と混ぜ合わせ、紙のように漉いて作るという、製紙技術が生かされた高級品です。繊維素材の配合に妙があり、しっかりした腰の強さを保ちながら、きめ細かさとしっとり感、という風合いを得るために、 繊細な女性スタッフによる触感モニタリングを繰り返して決められたものです。

Q. Tell me about the material

The non-woven fabric used in My Dome is made by mixing synthetic fibers such as rayon and polyester, and cellulose fibers made from natural wood pulp with beautiful Japanese water, and then squeezing them like paper. This is a luxury product that utilizes paper manufacturing technology. There is a strange combination of fiber materials, and in order to obtain a texture that is fine and moist while maintaining a firm waist, it was decided after repeated tactile monitoring by a delicate female staff.


Q 静電気の発生が気になります


Q. I'm worried about the generation of static electricity

The non-woven fabric called MBS Tech used in My Dome was originally developed as a high-grade offset printing paper, and contains a lot more softener than ordinary non-woven fabrics to make it feel good on the skin. Combined with the moisturizing properties of the raw material wood pulp, it also contributes to antistatic properties. In addition, the internal humidity may increase during use, so you can rest assured that your hair will not become dry due to static electricity.

Q 寝返りで外れてしまうのでは?

ご使用される方の寝相によります(笑) 開発中にはマスクのように製品を頭部に固定し、外れにくくするための案も出ました。寝ぼけて起きた場合、緊急時の安全性などを考慮して、はずれやすい、現在の形にしています。ご理解下さい。


Q. Won't it come off when you roll over?

It depends on the sleeping position of the person who uses it (laughs). In consideration of safety in an emergency, the current shape is designed so that it is easy to come off if you wake up half asleep. Please understand. 

Q 息苦しくなりませんか?


Q.Don't you feel suffocated?

The air permeability measured by the manufacturer is 21 cm/s, which is almost the same value as a mask.In addition, unlike a mask, it is not attached to the mouth and nose, so breathing is easy. Due to the shape of the product, it will not be sealed and the throat will be slightly open. From there, new air always flows in through the gaps, so you don't feel stuffy.

Q 危険はありませんか


Q.Is there any danger?

Prior to the business alliance with Mitsubishi Paper Mills, Mitsubishi Paper Mills Co., Ltd. has completed product safety evaluation, material (non-woven fabric/thread) printing ink/other materials safety evaluation, and environmental procurement evaluation.

Q そんなに通気性がいいのに保温保湿ができるのはなぜですか?

人間の呼気は温度が34度前後、 湿度は95%前後であるといわれており、マスクをしているときと同様に、呼気が内部を循環することによります。また、素材の不織布は特殊な素材で、保湿成分が含まれており、他の不織布より、湿気を逃がしにくくなっています。

Q. Why is it possible to keep warm and moist even though it is so breathable?

Human breath is said to have a temperature of around 34 degrees and a humidity of around 95%. In addition, the non-woven fabric is a special material that contains moisturizing ingredients, making it more difficult for moisture to escape than other non-woven fabrics.


Q 使い捨てですか?


Q.Is it disposable?

Since it can be washed at home, it can be used repeatedly. There are individual differences depending on how you use it, but you can use it enough for several months in one season.

Q 洗濯はどのようにすればいいのですか?

中性洗剤の手洗いをおすすめします。洗濯機の場合は洗濯ネットを使用し、やさしく洗ってください。ただし、製品の濃色部分については、洗い方によっては、色落ちなどが起る可能性があるため、他の洗濯物と同時に洗わないでください。 洗濯頻度、方法によっては、耐用期間が短くなる可能性があります。

Q.How should I wash my clothes?

We recommend hand washing with a neutral detergent. If you use a washing machine, use a laundry net and wash gently. However, please do not wash the dark colored parts of the product together with other laundry as the color may fade depending on how you wash it. Depending on the frequency and method of washing, the service life may be shortened.

Q 開封直後、素材の臭いが気になります


Q. Immediately after opening, I am concerned about the smell of the ingredients.

The smell of materials and packaging materials will gradually disappear within a few hours after opening. We recommend opening the package before use. Lightly washing with water and drying in the shade or indoors is also effective in removing lingering odors.

Q 化粧水やアロマで香りをつけたいのですが、大丈夫ですか?

メーカーとして推奨できる製品は特にありませんが、 枕やシーツにアロマを一滴たらすように、マイドームにもお好みのアロマをご使用ください。アロマオイルはシミが残ることもあり、水性のアロマミストなどがおすすめです。アルコールを溶剤に使用した香料の使用は、刺激臭が内部に残る可能性があるのでお止めください。


Q. I would like to add a lotion or aroma to my skin, is that okay?

There is no particular product that the manufacturer can recommend, but just like putting a drop of aroma on your pillow or sheets, please use your favorite aroma on My Dome. Aroma oil may leave stains, so a water-based aroma mist is recommended. Do not use fragrances that use alcohol as a solvent, as they may leave an irritating odor inside.

In any case, if you feel any abnormality on your skin or eyes, immediately stop using and consult a doctor.

Q その他に気をつけることはありますか?


Q.Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Even after using perm liquid, hair color, etc., odors and gases may remain inside the product, which may have an adverse effect on the human body. If you feel any discomfort, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor. While in use, the field of vision is gently blocked. Please pay attention to the surrounding environment, especially when handling valuables when using outside, and if you are raising children, be careful of infants.